


The Camera Doesn't Matter eBook

US$ 9.99

To purchase the eBook, simply pay using PAYPAL above. Upon payment, you will be redirected to a separate page in which the eBook will appear. Please allow some moments for the PDF file to download. Depending on your browser settings, it will either download automatically or open in your browser. You may need to right click and manually download to your desktop once it opens. The magazine-style eBook is best viewed as a PDF in Adobe Acrobat. If you have any issues, please email me directly via the ‘contact me’ page.

In this new eBook, ‘The Camera Doesn’t Matter: Professional Secrets for the Amateur Photographer’, I reveal 10 secrets of professional photography that you can use to IMMEDIATELY improve your own images.

From how to capture unique moments, to why your camera doesn’t matter, these tips come from my experiences over 15+ years as a professional photojournalist producing work for clients such as National Geographic, The Guardian and the Pulitzer Center.

What’s Inside the eBook:

– 10 detailed chapters over 74 richly illustrated magazine-style pages

– 11,500+ words detailing the secrets, plus additional tips and mindsets of professional photographers.

– 6 Photo Assignments for you to practice and implement the new techniques you learn.

– Priority discussion in my private WhatsApp and WeChat groups for feedback from me about your photos from the eBook’s assignments.


Sean, you are one of the most generous, spirited photographers I have ever met. Thank you for sharing your wisdom that is born of experience. Priceless!
This is great, thank you so much. I often get questions about what gear to buy...it’s not the equipment! So glad to read your thoughts..!

FREE eBook

Included in the FREE version of The Camera Doesn’t Matter eBook are:

– 3 Abridged Chapters, 2000 Words

– Access to my private WhatsApp and WeChat groups

Subscribe to my newsletter by entering your email here to get the eBook delivered to you as a downloadable magazine-style PDF.

If the file does not come through for any reason, please email me via the ‘Contact Me’ form.



“Don’t invest in new equipment, invest in yourself!”

If you would like personalised mentorship to improve your photography, I am available for one-on-one portfolio reviews, and long-term mentorships online.

Both of these options are aimed at photographers who are serious about improving their photography and are willing to receive constructive long-term feedback on their work, to help reach their photography goals.

Portfolio Reviews

US$175 for 75mins

– Prior to the online review, I will ask you to submit a portfolio of 20-30 images and complete a brief questionnaire, so that I can get an understanding of your work and your goals in photography.

– During the portfolio review, I will provide my thoughts and feedback on your portfolio and give constructive feedback on the images submitted. We will also discuss your current goals in photography and I will ofer my advice on how I can help you achieve those goals.

– After the portfolio review, I will send a follow up message to you reflecting on our conversation, your work and provide extra thoughts and advice.

Mentorship (2024)

3 months - US$495

6 months US$995

12 months US$1,950 (Only 5 places remaining)


– My long-term mentorships are aimed at photographers who are serious and committed to improving their photography over a longer period of time.

– I will commit to helping you reach your photography goals through 1-hour monthly online video calls. You will have access to private 1-on-1 daily communications with me through WhatsApp or WeChat. You will have access to my 20 years of experience as a professional photographer and knowledge of the industry producing work for clients including National Geographic, The Guardian and the Pulitzer Center.

– As well as general portfolio reviews each month, I will set you goals and tasks to complete. This may include working on a photo-essay, grant application, a book concept, short film editing etc. Depending on your personal goals, I will dedicate myself to helping you achieve them through the mentorship.


“I’m really grateful for all your time and advice throughout your mentorship program. It was a really wonderful learning experience for me.”
“Thank you…I had a wonderful time during this workshop! I hope I can do another one with you!”
“[Sean] is thoughtful, thorough and truly cares about making you better"
Nathan S.